Visualization Meditation

Let’s discuss. Often people ask me before they hop into the sauna or red light at @myzendenbeacon what to think about to pass the time. I found myself doing this practice today on my flight home from a shoot so I want to share
Think about the best version of yourself...

- What does your ideal day look like? Get specific, like what time are you waking up

- Do you have a morning/night routine? What does the ideal routine look + feel like?

- How are you feeling?

- Who are your group of friends? Whose in your community?

- Where are you working? Are you doing something you love that fulfills you?

- What are you wearing? (Maybe it’s nothing, no judgement🤣)

- How much money are you making? Are you financially stable and abundant?

- Are you helping others or being of service?

- What does your ideal meals look like?

- Are you traveling? Great, where is your best self traveling to? What kind of experiences are you having?

- What hobbies are you enjoying? Are you playing an instrument, dancing, going to workout classes, sewing, making ceramics, cooking, reading, podcasting? Maybe your on the couch watching movies, that’s cool too-

- What’s your ideal partner like? Again, get specific

- Where are you living? Is it where you are now? Is it by the beach? In a city? In the mountains?

- Are you free of any toxic addictions? How does it feel to be free?
By visualizing and daydreaming or meditating on exactly what we want to manifest, we already are taking the first step to getting closer to these visions and goals
Get clear on what you want and FEEL IT. Watch how quickly your subconscious mind will start pushing you to do the work on yourself. We don’t daydream or visualize enough, we’re so glued to our phones. Try this practice. Really imagine and have fun w it
I daydreamed of having supportive friendships and a good community around me before I had it. I daydreamed of painting celebrity faces before I made it a reality. My Zen Den was also a daydream I would visualize thinking “that would be cool” and my subconscious put my thoughts into action. As a wise man once said, “it was all a dream” -Biggie Smalls x