I get bloated easily and its annoying, so here’s all my tips + hacks I’ve learned over the years to kiss that shit GOODBYE.

•PARSLEY HEALTH: getting hormone, thyroid, food allergy, and gut testing done to make sure WE GOOD

•WALKING: game-changer + MUCH more effective for me when I aim for 10k steps a day. I walk before breakfast, after dinner, + on my work breaks

•INFRARED SAUNA: Got bloat? Sweat it out! Infrared sauna helps get rid of bloat almost instantly after a 20-30 min sesh

•DIGESTIVE JUICE: We love @organic_olivia 15 minutes before you eat, spray into your mouth to improve digestion, lower bloat, + absorb more nutrients

•PROBIOTIC: I love the @organic_oliviabc its a 3 in 1. It’s a prebiotic, probiotic, + digestive enzyme that repopulates your gut w healthy microflora

WORKOUT: we love a @sweat_with_sally megaformer class + love a spin class too

•CHLOROPHYLL + LEMON WATER: epic antioxidant that detoxes you + has so many health benefits and NO it does not taste bad

•RED LIGHT THERAPY: Lowers bloat, swelling, and inflammation QUICK + also makes your skin glow

•LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE MASSAGE: @hvmassageworks LD massage is amazing but book now bc she books up 3 months in advance bc she’s that good. ALSO lets talk about NORMATEC boots for a sec, these recovery boots combine dynamic air compression w a pulse massage that enhances blood flow, reduces cellulite, inflammation + bloating

TURMERIC: major anti-inflammatory + antioxidant that will help reduce inflammation in the body. Sprinkle this on your eggs, chicken, sip it mixed into your tea or smoothie, I will spike ur food + drinks w turmeric if we’re friends

•MATCHA: @piquetea matcha is the BEST bc it doesn’t have tea bags which are filled w shit. It’s high quality + undergoes triple toxin screenings for pesticides, heavy metals, + mold. Use code ALEXGILL for discount

•FAT BELLY TONIC: @animamundi fat belly herbal tonic is IT

@MYZENDENBEACON ANTI-BLOAT PACKAGE. A new package that includes quality Turmeric, Probiotic, Fat Belly Tonic, + Digestive juice for you to take home to keep you’re gut health in check, along with 5 sauna and red light. Book now for a discount x